Western Folklore (ISSN 0043-373X), the journal of the Western States Folklore Society (formerly California Folklore Society), is published quarterly in winter, spring, summer, and fall. Founded in 1942, it has become the leading American journal devoted to the description and analysis of regional, national, and international folklore and custom. Subscribers include professional and amateur folklorists, anthropologists, sociologists, and historians, as well as libraries, historical societies, and folk art museums.
Volume 82, Number 2 (Spring, 2023), the most recent issue of Western Folklore, was mailed on March 30, 2023; please allow three weeks for delivery (foreign mail may take up to two months). Visit the Current Issue page to review the table of contents, including abstracts for each article. For the tables of contents of previous issues, visit the Previous Issues page.
Subscriptions: A subscription to Western Folklore is included in the Western States Folklore Society membership fee.
- Individual memberships: $40.00
- Institutional subscriptions: $60.00 (10% discount from this price for agencies)
- Student, retired, and limited income memberships $30.00
- Joint memberships (two memberships one journal): $60.00
Please add US$10.00 to the above rates for all subscriptions mailed outside the United States. See the Membership page for further information.
All changes of address must include both the old address and the new address. Please include your email address with your membership fees. All business correspondence, including requests for reprint permission as well as questions regarding memberships and subscriptions, should be directed to Paul Jordan-Smith by email to manager@westernfolklore.org or to
Paul Jordan-Smith
Managing Editor, Western Folklore
17591 River Ranch Rd
Grass Valley, CA
Back issues: Some back issues from 1990 forward are in stock and are available for $15.00; special issues are higher. Back issues through volume 20 and the Western Folklore Twenty-Five Year Index are available in offset from AMS Press, 56 East 13th Street, New York, 10003. All issues except those published in the last five years are available electronically through JSTOR (see below for membership benefit). The full text of individual articles may be found through EBSCO. For permission to photocopy materials for distribution in educational institutions, contact Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 09123; tel.: (978) 750-8400, or visit the website at www.copyright.com.
Anyone with access to a university library may be able to access the full text of back issues of Western Folklore (and its predecessor, the California Folklore Quarterly) through JSTOR. The JSTOR archive for Western Folklore has a moving wall of five years, so only the most recent five years are available. WSFS members can subscribe for an annual fee of $15 through a special link set up by the American Folklore Society by clicking AFS/JSTOR. This program also provides access to back issues of other journals in our field: The Journal of American Folklore, The Journal of Folklore Research (and its predecessor The Journal of the Folklore Institute), and Folklore.
Western Folklore is abstracted or indexed in Historical Abstracts, Music Index, Prepublication Online Data System, and Arts and Humanities Search. Full text of Western Folklore is also available from 1994 forward in the electronic version of the Humanities Index.